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PRB Resources to Improve the Count of Young Children in the 2020 Census (July 9 Update)

PRB has produced an updated series of tables and maps identifying neighborhoods with a very

PRB Resources to Improve the Count of Young Children in the 2020 Census (July 2 Update)

PRB has produced an updated series of tables and maps identifying neighborhoods with a very

Immigrant Children Must Be Counted

Growing up in a refugee family, I saw the importance of how dances, music, and

PRB Resources to Improve the Count of Young Children in the 2020 Census (June 25 Update)

PRB has produced an updated series of tables and maps identifying neighborhoods with a very

PRB Resources to Improve the Count of Young Children in the 2020 Census (June 18 Update)

PRB has produced an updated series of tables and maps identifying neighborhoods with a very

A Father’s Day Letter to Aviv

This post was originally released on the Advocates for Children of New Jersey website. You

Español | Este Día del Padre Continúo Trabajando Para un Censo 2020 Justo y Preciso por Amor a Mi Hija y a Mi Comunidad

Mi mundo cambió el 4 de julio de 2019, con el nacimiento de mi hermosa

This Father’s Day I Continue to Work Toward a Fair and Accurate 2020 Census for the Love of My Daughter and Community

My world changed on July 4, 2019, with the birth of my beautiful daughter, Camila.

Fixing an Incorrect Census Submission

If you have already completed the census only to realize you left off your baby,

2020 Census Self-Response Rates Are Lower in Census Tracts Where Minorities Are the Majority of the Young Child Population

Data from the 2010 Census show that young children (ages 0 to 4) had a