The Census Project has just posted a new blog by Dr. William O’Hare and Dr.
For decades, young Hispanic children have faced a persistently high net undercount in the U.S.
The research and advocacy community has now come to accept the fact that any remedy
The national field partners were funded to conduct get-out-the-count messaging research to identify messages that
For the past three censuses, young Hispanic children have experienced the highest undercount rate among
Finally, four years after the start of the 2020 census, you can see how your
When we miss young children in the census, children and families lose out. Federal funds
Part 1 of 5, Research Series, The Children’s Census Initiative This blog is cross-posted from
By Christopher Dick, Founder, Demographic Analytics Advisors and Terry Ao Minnis, Vice President of Census
April 12, 2023 To: Interested census stakeholders From: Dr. William P. O’Hare, Consultant, Count All
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