The Partnership commented to the Census National Advisory Committee that the presentation circulated in advance of the November 1-2, 2018 meeting on the Census Barriers Attitudes and Motivations Survey (CBAMS) provided no analysis at all of its findings on families with young children. The comments identified the questions that were of most interest for children and families and asked for an analysis of those questions for families with young children, broken out by income, education level, gender, family size, race and language. The comments noted that information that families with young children are the same as other respondents is just as useful as knowing that they are different. The comments also requested that all subsequent communications reports include specifics on young children.
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By Count All Kids
Dr. Bill O’Hare’s report provides an overview of the implications of the Supplemental Demographic and
Home • Resources • Data Analysis & Accuracy • Deborah Stein Comments to the Census National Advisory Committee
Deborah Stein Comments to the Census National Advisory Committee
The Partnership commented to the Census National Advisory Committee that the presentation circulated in advance of the November 1-2, 2018 meeting on the Census Barriers Attitudes and Motivations Survey (CBAMS) provided no analysis at all of its findings on families with young children. The comments identified the questions that were of most interest for children and families and asked for an analysis of those questions for families with young children, broken out by income, education level, gender, family size, race and language. The comments noted that information that families with young children are the same as other respondents is just as useful as knowing that they are different. The comments also requested that all subsequent communications reports include specifics on young children.
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