I submit these comments on behalf of the Partnership for America’s Children. The Partnership’s mission is to support its network of state and community multi-issue child advocacy organizations in effective advocacy. The Partnership has 49 member organizations in 40 states that advocate to improve policies for children at the state, local and federal level. Collectively they represent over 90% of the nation’s children. Partnership members use Census data in their advocacy, and thirty Partnership members are also KIDS COUNT grantees in their state, serving as that state’s data hub on children for policy makers, administrators, and nonprofits. The Partnership for America’s Children served as the national hub on the undercount of young children in the 2020 Decennial Census. In this role the Partnership formed and continues to co-lead a national working group of child-serving organizations that is working to improve the count of young children in all Census Bureau demographic products:
Click here or view the Resource to the right to read the full summary.
What the Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File from the 2020 Census Tells Us About Future Statistics on Children from the Census Bureau
By Count All Kids
Dr. Bill O’Hare’s report provides an overview of the implications of the Supplemental Demographic and
Home • Resources • Data Analysis & Accuracy • Partnership for America’s Children – Comments for the 2030 Federal Register Notice (FRN)
Partnership for America’s Children – Comments for the 2030 Federal Register Notice (FRN)
I submit these comments on behalf of the Partnership for America’s Children. The Partnership’s mission is to support its network of state and community multi-issue child advocacy organizations in effective advocacy. The Partnership has 49 member organizations in 40 states that advocate to improve policies for children at the state, local and federal level. Collectively they represent over 90% of the nation’s children. Partnership members use Census data in their advocacy, and thirty Partnership members are also KIDS COUNT grantees in their state, serving as that state’s data hub on children for policy makers, administrators, and nonprofits. The Partnership for America’s Children served as the national hub on the undercount of young children in the 2020 Decennial Census. In this role the Partnership formed and continues to co-lead a national working group of child-serving organizations that is working to improve the count of young children in all Census Bureau demographic products:
Click here or view the Resource to the right to read the full summary.
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