Count All Kids Messaging and Outreach Kit

Census 2020 countdown has begun! The first Census Bureau mailings arrive in mailboxes across the country in a week. March 18 is our Count All Kids Day. April 1, the reference day to fill out the census form, is less than a month away. Count All Kids is ready to equip you with easily accessible, research-tested, and engaging social media templates and resources to remind families of every kind to count all kids in the 2020 Census.

Today we are releasing a Messaging and Outreach Kit, full of research-tested materials we have created. You can still access the Count All Kids google drive, which has materials about counting kids from the Census Bureau as well as national and state partners.

Count All Kids Messaging and Outreach Kit

The Count All Kids Messaging and Outreach Kit provides a quick way to download, post, or print various resources directly from the website as census season approaches. Some of the materials below will be available in additional languages within a few weeks. Sign up for the Count All Kids Campaign to receive an alert when they are available.

The Messaging and Outreach Kit includes:
• Poster in color (also printable in black-and-white) – English and Spanish-language
• Palm Card in color – English and Spanish-language
• Stickers in three colors – English and Spanish-language
• Three social media assets sized for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – English and Spanish -language
• Message guide and Q&A – English and Spanish-language

By March 11, the Messaging and Outreach Kit will include:
• Additional social media assets sized for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – English and Spanish-language
• Radio readers – English and Spanish-language
• Activity sheets for children – English and Spanish-language

Google Drive
You can also access resources from state and national advocates from the Count All Kids google drive. Resources include sticker templates, coloring pages, posters, flyers, and other helpful tools. If you would like to add any materials to the google drive, please email Jasmine Jones ( The Count All Kids Toolkit is also accessible from the google drive. This toolkit includes factsheets, FAQs, and draft letters to state agencies that serve families who are homeless as well as foster families.

We have to get it right for Census 2020. The next 10 years – most of kids’ childhood – depends on it. It’s time to count all kids in 2020!

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