Color to Count Coloring Book Launch

Color to Count is a coloring book featuring illustrations by African-American artists to raise awareness of the 2020 Census and increase participation of African-American households with children under the age of five.

In the 2010 Census, African-American children under the age of five were one of the highest under-counted populations. When young children are not counted, support for programs, such as health insurance, hospitals, child care, food assistance, schools, and early childhood development go underfunded.

The Color to Count coloring book and coloring sheets are available for free download online at Schools, childcare centers and community groups are encouraged to host “coloring parties” with young children. Share your colorings on social media with #ColortoCount.

The Color to Count coloring book was spearheaded by September Hargrove and done in partnership with Everyone Counts Census Coalition and the Bagley Community Council. For more information please contact

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