U.S. Census Bureau Factsheet for Property Managers

Census advocates and partners are in the final push to count all children and babies in the 2020 Census. In this effort, Count All Kids would like to highlight this U.S. Census Bureau factsheet for property managers. Although the factsheet does not explicitly state that property managers are required by law to give enumerators access into the building, Title 13 of the United States Code  is clear.

This U.S. Census Bureau resource is essential to share now as census workers implement nonresponse followup (NRFU) across the nation. In some cases, enumerators are not given access to enter residential buildings or multi-unit properties, which creates a challenge to count families that are already less likely to include their young child on the census form.

According to research conducted by the Population Reference Bureau, there are eight characteristics that contribute to a potential undercount of young children. One of those characteristics are families living in multi-unit housing arrangements. U.S Census Bureau and ACS data from 2014 to 2018 show that 18% of young children live in some form of multi-unit arrangement, with three or more apartment units in one building.

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