WE COUNT! is providing three programs to support your Census work in the next weeks

WE COUNT! has 3 programs to support your Census work in the next weeks.

  1. Throw a PJ Party

Auli’I Cravalho, the actress who played Moana in the Disney film stars in a new, animated version of the WE COUNT! Census Counting Book. Simply put, the creators of WE COUNT! have a free Pajama Party Toolkit with invitations, social media, games and links to the video to throw live, online events where everyone can watch the video, play games, sing, and then take the Census together!

Here is the link to the preview  https://youtu.be/X2qTP5gOugQ


  1. Share the PSA on all of your social media account.



  1. Get FREE books for your members!!

Please call Lisa Bernstein at 917-363-1995 to arrange for a special coupon code so your members can order free books and Census Activity Placemats.  Simply Put has donated the books. Partnership for America’s Children will pick up the cost of shipping.

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