EXTENDED DEADLINE: Back to School Count All Kids National Art Competition

Update: We’ve extended the submission deadline to Monday, September 28! 

Back to school season might be looking a little bit different for kids across the country this year, but it is still a great time to fill out the census and tell others why it’s so important that kids get counted. 

That’s why Count All Kids is thrilled to launch another national art competition!

With the help and permission of a guardian, we are asking children from across the country to submit an artistic creation of their choosing that is inspired by the theme “Count All Kids in the 2020 Census.” Parents are permitted and encouraged to assist their children with this project, though we certainly hope that parents will take some time to complete the census first!

All children through Grade 12 are eligible to participate in this competition. Judging will be broken down by the following categories:

    • Art made by rising 2nd graders and below.
    • Art made by rising 3rd through 5th graders
    • Art made by rising 6th through 8th graders
    • Art made by rising 9th through 12th graders

Count All Kids will be accepting submissions through September 28, and the public voting period will end September 30. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place submissions in each age category will receive a pre-paid Visa gift card for $100, $50, and $25, respectively.

Children can enter the competition by posting any artistic creation (e.g., drawing, painting, collage, craft, photo, video, etc.) inspired by the theme “Count All Kids in the 2020 Census” to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter using the #CensusKidsArtComp and including their first name(s), grade level, city, and state. Entries can also be sent to [email protected]. ​

Submissions MUST relate to the theme in order to be eligible to win. Count All Kids reserves the right to assess whether a submission falls within a reasonable understanding of the theme. 

We hope you will encourage the children in your life to participate! 

By participating in this event and posting video and/or photos, you are representing that you have written permission from each person in the video and/or photos, and if a child, written permission from the child’s parent or legal guardian, to post the art and/or video and/or photos and use the likeness of such person therein. By posting the video and/or photos, you grant the Count All Kids Campaign the right to use the video and/or photo and/or any portion thereof in any manner it so chooses, including, without limitation, posting or sharing the video on Count All Kids website, Facebook page, Twitter account, and/or Instagram account.

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