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How Much Funding Does a Complete Count Committee Need?

As we have said many times, many ways, the most urgent step to count all

When Counting Kids, Count Complex Families

At the fall meeting of the Census National Advisory Council, Scott Konicki presented an update

How Can A Complete Count Committee Improve the Count of Young Children?

A Complete Count Committee sounds like a good idea, but what exactly do they do?

Who Needs To Be On Complete Count Committees?

With the 2020 census right around the corner, states, counties, cities, tribes, and other communities

Good News From the Census Bureau

At the Census Bureau’s National Advisory Committee meeting, held November 1 and 2, 2018, the

Who Forms A Complete Count Committee?

Last week, when we said that the most important thing states and communities could do

The Young Child Undercount is Getting Worse

Since 1980, the net undercount for young children has increased while the census count of

The Census Misses More Black and Hispanic Young Children Than Other Young Children

Black and Hispanic young children have higher net undercounts than others. The graph below shows

Young Children Should be a High Priority for the 2020 Census

Young children had a higher net undercount than any other age group in the 2010

The Census Misses Young Children for Different Reasons: We Need to Work Differently to Count Them

Census Bureau research shows that only about 20 percent of the young children who were