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Comments Submitted by Advocates in Support of Improving the Count of Children and Quality of Child Data

Organizations within the Count All Kids coalition recently submitted comments in response to notices sent by the U.S. Census Bureau to improve the count of children in the 2030 Census and improve the quality of data that child advocates use in their work. 

Suggestions on 2030 Census Preliminary Research

The Census Bureau released a notice on August 17, 2022 Soliciting Input or Suggestion on 2030 Census Preliminary Research. Stakeholders were asked to provide development and implementation strategies that could improve the way people participate in the 2030 Census. Below are the comments that organizations within the Count All Kids coalition submitted. 

NAC Fall Virtual Meeting Public Comment

The National Advisory Committee Meeting was held on October 27 – 28, 2022. The Partnership for America’s Children submitted public comments prior to the meeting.

American Community Survey and Puerto Rico Community Survey

The Census Bureau released a comment request on September 13, 2022 regarding the American Community Survey and Puerto Rico Community Survey. The purpose of the notice was to allow stakeholders to comment on the proposed revision of the American Community Survey and Puerto Rico Community Survey. Below is a comment that the Partnership for America’s Children submitted. 

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