Count All Kids National Art Competition Winners!

Voting for the Count All Kids Summer 2020 National Art Competition is officially closed. We received over 100 incredible submissions for this art competition, and over 8,000 votes were cast. We were thrilled to see so much enthusiasm for counting kids in the census!

Count All Kids is awarding cash prizes to the top three finishers in each category. We are so excited to announce the following winners:

2nd Grade and Under

1st Place: Joshua, 2nd Grade 

2nd Place: Megan, 1st Grade 

3rd Place: Aya, 1st Grade 

3-5th Grade

1st Place: Axel, 5th Grade

2nd Place: Emma, 3rd Grade 

3rd Place: Mila, 5th Grade 

6-8th Grade

1st Place: Ashley, 6th Grade

2nd Place: Julia, 8th Grade 

3rd Place: Payton, 8th Grade 

9th-12th Grade

1st Place: Olivia, 10th Grade 

2nd Place: Janeth, 12th Grade 

3rd Place: Natalie, 9th Grade 

A collection of the winning artworks can be found at this link. You can also see all of the great submissions we received here.

Count All Kids wants to send a huge thank you to everyone who participated in this competition by submitting artwork and/or by voting. It is so important that we spread the word about making sure everyone gets counted in the census!

Also, be on the lookout for an upcoming announcement about your next opportunity to participate in a Count All Kids event for back to school season! 




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