Make the Census #TrueForYou – Census Day of Action

Participate in Census Counts’ #TrueForYou Census Day of Action this Tuesday, July 28.

Count All Kids is partnering with the Census Counts coalition in an effort to have the census truly reflect America – everyone living in America. Families provide the most accurate information when they fill out the census themselves. In August, Census Bureau employees will begin going door-to-door across the country to collect responses from individuals living in addresses that have yet to fill out a census form—they have already started in a few areas. We want to encourage families to self-respond by mail, phone, or online to make sure their responses accurately portray those living with them before someone knocks on their door. Representing every person, child, and baby living at an address is too important to possibly leave to neighbors to fill in the gap.

The census should be true for you, true for your family, and true for your community. Encourage families to respond on July 28!

Count All Kids will offer our own #TrueForYou Day of Action on Tuesday, July 28.

Our launch will include:

  • Social assets that reinforce the #TrueForYou Day of Action theme
  • National Art Competition Voting Guide
    • You will be able to see how different age groups have made the census #TrueForThem through their interpretation of the importance of the 2020 Census. You can spread the excitement by encouraging others to choose their favorite art pieces!

Here are more recommendations from Census Counts on how you can participate:


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