Today is #TrueForYou Day of Action!

On July 15, Count All Kids launched a national art competition for different age groups to submit their artistic interpretation of the theme – count all kids in the 2020 Census. We received submissions from over 100 children across the country!

Children cannot respond to the census. They count on adults to represent them and make the census true for the entire family. These children, from below second grade to twelfth grade, depicted what the census means to them. When you scroll through the submissions, you will see diversity, community, family, self-representation, and national connection. The census should represent all of these things. It is up to every family to make the census #TrueForYou and accurately represent everyone living at your address.

You can view all of the submissions here

I’m sure you want the fun and cuteness to continue! Here is how you can continue to participate in the national art competition.

Voting Guide The top three winners in each category will receive a cash prize!

  • Click on this link to vote
  • Select your favorite three submissions from each category
  • Share the voting link with your friends, family, and networks! Ask them to vote, and then to fill out the census at If a family already filled out the form but did not include their children, as many do, ask them to fill it out again using their address (and to count everyone!).
  • Voting will end Friday, August 7

#TrueForYou Day of Action Below are other ways to participate in the day of action

  • Share social media assets from Census Counts
    • Share educational and motivational content to your social media platforms, your email lists, and your text lists! See the toolkit for sample social copy and downloadable graphics!
      • Click HERE for sample social copy.
      • Click HERE for these and other downloadable graphics!

    • Join or promote the Census Counts #TrueForYou Virtual Rally Turn Up Tuesday!
      • At 1 pm ET, the Census Counts campaign and partners from across the coalition will host a virtual rally to talk about the importance of filling out the census to make the census #TrueForYou. Watch on Facebook Live!
      • At 5:30 pm EDT tune into The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights’ weekly Facebook web series, Turn Up Tuesday, for an episode on how the 2020 Census impacts your right to vote and your ability to make change in your community. Watch on Facebook Live!
    • Activate your volunteer networks to join the Census Counts text-a-thon!
    • Link up with a partner’s event or host your own!
      • You can find the most updated list of #TrueForYou events as well as RSVP information can be found at

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