You Are Invited: Coalition On Human Needs is Honoring the Count All Kids Campaign

The Coalition on Human Needs will honor the Count All Kids Campaign at the 17th Annual Human Needs Hero Reception on Wednesday, October 7th from 5:30 pm – 6:30 p.m. The other honorees will include Census Counts and Protecting Immigrant Families.

As part of the Count All Kids coalition and campaign, we hope you will consider joining the celebration honoring all our work, which is also a fundraiser for the Coalition on Human Needs. But even if you can’t join us, we hope you will be equally excited at the Coalition on Human Needs honoring our hard work.

As part of the Count All Kids effort, we have all dedicated so much time and energy into increasing the count of young children in communities across the country. We faced challenges we could never have anticipated, but whatever the final count, we know that many more children will have been counted because of us. The implications of our work will last a decade. Families and children will get a better chance of receiving their fair share of funding for programs that they need. Adequate funding will allow children to have nutritious food, quality child care, health insurance, and resources for their school. These areas help to shape the foundation of every child’s future.  

Please join us as we celebrate. Our strategic outreach, advocacy, and partnerships have allowed us to reach communities that need to hear our message most!

The reception is on Wednesday, October 7th at 5:30pm ET. Purchase tickets here; individual tickets are $60, or $25 for interns and fellows.

And congratulations to every one of us.

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